The Runway Home Logic Puzzle

HARD 4x5

Five panicked travelers are running through Sydney International Airport in a desperate rush to board their flights in time! They are all heading home for the holidays but were delayed by an incident at the security checkpoint. From the information given, can you connect the names of each passenger with their gate number, departure time, and destination?

Gate No. Depart TimeDestination
Depart Time6:05pm
Zoom In Zoom In Reset Zoom to 100%


1) Ken's flight has a higher gate number than the 6:09pm flight, but a lower gate number than the flight to Jakarta.
2) Antonio's flight (which is not boarding at gate 20) departs exactly 2 minutes before Lin's and exactly 2 minutes after the flight leaving gate 15.
3) The flight to Jakarta departs sometime after the flight to Singapore, but the difference between the departure times of these two flights is not precisely 3 minutes.
4) Kai's flight to Auckland is scheduled for sometime after the flight leaving gate 17.
5) The flight to Manila is leaving from a lower gate number than the flight to Jakarta, but a higher gate number than the flight that leaves at 6:05pm.
6) The flight to Tokyo departs earlier than 6:12pm.
7) The flight to Tokyo has a higher gate number than the flight to Singapore, but a lower gate number than Antonio's flight.
8) Cindy's gate number is an even number.
Click clues you've solved to remove them from this list.

Results (filled automatically)
NameGate No.Depart TimeDestination


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How To Play This Logic Puzzle
  1. Read the introduction and scan the clues. You can work through the clues in order, but the best approach is to attack the simplest clues first.
  2. Mark the clue information in the grid by clicking once in the relevant cell/square for an X (meaning false) and twice for a tick (true).
  3. If you make a mistake on a ticked cell, click again in that cell and it will clear. Or, to clear an X, click twice in that cell to clear.
  4. Once you have extracted all information from a clue, click on the clue to move it to the Solved Clues list.
  5. Some clues will need to be revisited once you have filled out more information in the grid. Keep working through them logically until you have completed the puzzle.
  6. Your answers will be checked automatically once you have filled out all squares.
  7. For more detailed illustrated guides on solving logic puzzles, check out the Quick Links section above these instructions.

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