Metal Detecting Logic Puzzle


Charleston's local hobbyist metal detecting group, "Finder 49'ers", were out and about yesterday combing Schofield Park for treasures. Proudly wearing their black and yellow club shirts, they spread out around the park in search of the most exciting of beeps! From the clues provided, can you determine the best finds of each member, the time they found that object, and where they found it?

Time FindLocation
1:02pm1:33pm1:51pm2:09pm2:40pmGold CoinSilver CoinGold RingSilver BroochTin Soup CanBy The LakeUnder Oak TreeNear MonumentBehind Park BenchBeside Garden
LocationBy The Lake
Under Oak Tree
Near Monument
Behind Park Bench
Beside Garden
FindGold Coin
Silver Coin
Gold Ring
Silver Brooch
Tin Soup Can
Zoom In Zoom In Reset Zoom to 100%


1) Bette is the newest member of Finder 49'ers, and she was excited to have found a gold item on her first outing with the group. This was sometime before Lucas found his item.
2) Gladys is married to William. Neither of them were exploring near the lake.
3) The item found near the monument of the town mayor was either the 2:09pm find or the silver coin.
4) James found his memento at precisely 1:33pm, but not beside the flower garden.
5) The discovery under the oak tree was exactly 31 minutes after the silver brooch was found.
6) Of the person whose find was at 1:51pm and Lucas, one found a silver brooch and the other nabbed their find after a brief dig behind a park bench.
7) The person who found an item beside the flower garden (which wasn't a gold coin) is not married.
8) Gladys found her item (which wasn't the silver coin) sometime before her husband found his item.
9) The gold ring was the last find of the day. Shortly after, the police came to tell the group they didn't have permission to dig up the park! The park-goer who had reported them watched from a distance.
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How To Play This Logic Puzzle
  1. Read the introduction and scan the clues. You can work through the clues in order, but the best approach is to attack the simplest clues first.
  2. Mark the clue information in the grid by clicking once in the relevant cell/square for an X (meaning false) and twice for a tick (true).
  3. If you make a mistake on a ticked cell, click again in that cell and it will clear. Or, to clear an X, click twice in that cell to clear.
  4. Once you have extracted all information from a clue, click on the clue to move it to the Solved Clues list.
  5. Some clues will need to be revisited once you have filled out more information in the grid. Keep working through them logically until you have completed the puzzle.
  6. Your answers will be checked automatically once you have filled out all squares.
  7. For more detailed illustrated guides on solving logic puzzles, check out the Quick Links section above these instructions.

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