Halloween Costumes Logic Puzzle

EASY 3x5

It is the week of Halloween and Elijah has five spooky gatherings to attend that will each require a costume! He has decided to find a wide variety of costumes, one for each occasion - the first being on Tuesday. Can you match the day of each event with the costume Elijah is planning?

Event Costume
Work PartyTheater DinnerNeighbor's BBQFriends House PartyCar Club PartyBob RossKing of EgyptGarden Gnome80s Exercise InstructorZorro
CostumeBob Ross
King of Egypt
Garden Gnome
80s Exercise Instructor
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1) Saturday's house party will be the first time Elijah has seen his main group of friends in many months, as he has been busy with work and other commitments.
2) The first costume to show off will be the garden gnome, with a tall pointy hat! The outfit will be helped along by Elijah's long ginger beard.
3) The five gatherings are the one Elijah will attend dressed as Bob Ross, Thursday's event, the one Elijah will attend dressed as an 80's exercise instructor, the theater dinner, and Saturday's event.
4) Elijah helps out with lighting and other tasks for a local theater group. This year they've decided to have a Halloween dinner as it coincides with the completion of rehearsals for their next play. Elijah will attend this dinner the day before his work party.
5) Elijah has an interest in restoring classic cars, and has been an active member of a local car club in order to meet others with the same passion. Their Halloween party is not on Wednesday.
6) Elijah's plan to dress as the famous painter, Bob Ross, is not for Tuesday's occasion nor the car club party.
7) Elijah will dress as Zorro the day after he dresses as Bob Ross.
8) Elijah bought the King Of Egypt costume from a Halloween store, but not to wear to his work party.
9) Elijah's costume for his neighbor's BBQ (which isn't on Thursday) is either Zorro or the 80's exercise instructor.
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How To Play This Logic Puzzle
  1. Read the introduction and scan the clues. You can work through the clues in order, but the best approach is to attack the simplest clues first.
  2. Mark the clue information in the grid by clicking once in the relevant cell/square for an X (meaning false) and twice for a tick (true).
  3. If you make a mistake on a ticked cell, click again in that cell and it will clear. Or, to clear an X, click twice in that cell to clear.
  4. Once you have extracted all information from a clue, click on the clue to move it to the Solved Clues list.
  5. Some clues will need to be revisited once you have filled out more information in the grid. Keep working through them logically until you have completed the puzzle.
  6. Your answers will be checked automatically once you have filled out all squares.
  7. For more detailed illustrated guides on solving logic puzzles, check out the Quick Links section above these instructions.

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